Sunday, June 17, 2007

Maddys Father to come home.... Maddys Mother Cant Bear To Leave Portugal

The father of missing Madeleine McCann is set to fly to the UK to make arrangements for the international campaign to find his daughter.Gerry McCann is expected to spend just over 24 hours away from his wife Kate and twin children Sean and Amelie in the family's first time apart since Madeleine's abduction.Mr McCann is making the visit to deal with "personal matters" as well as to meet organisers of the Find Madeleine fund.Mrs McCann will remain at the family's temporary holiday apartment in Praia da Luz where they continue to wait for news of the four-year-old who was snatched from her bed 17 days ago.Mr McCann is expected to be back by his wife's side on Tuesday morning.A spokeswoman for the family in Portugal said: "He will be talking to the people who are organising the fund."Although it will be the first time the couple, who have repeatedly stood together hand in hand appealing for their daughter's return, have been separated since the abduction the spokeswoman emphasised that Mr McCann was returning to Britain to do "positive" things.She said: "He's very focussed, he is going out there for very practical reasons and he's going to get back here as quickly as he can."It is thought that the visit would enable the couple to set matters in order to enable them to stay in Portugal for the foreseeable future while they wait for Madeleine's return.Last week Mrs McCann said that she "couldn't even consider" leaving Portugal at present.

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