Sunday, June 17, 2007

Search To Be Extended Across Europe!!!

The parents of a four-year-old British girl who went missing in southern Portugal two weeks ago will extend their search for their daughter across Europe, a close relative said Thursday.Michael Wright told a news conference outside the resort in Praia da Luz from where Madeleine McCann vanished on May 3 that posters bearing the little girl's face would soon appear across the continent."If Madeleine is not in Portugal, we want to make sure people have an image of her across Europe. This can only help," he said.A fund set up by the family on Wednesday to gather donations had received offers of financial help from private citizens and multinationals which would help make the European poster campaign possible, he added.The fund's website received five million hits on Thursday, Wright said, adding that Madeleine's parents were encouraged by the help they were receiving."Jerry and Kate are taking strength from the support they are receiving around the world," he said."They are trying to keep the focus on what they can do rather than go to the dark places of the early days," he added.The search for Madeleine has dominated headlines and topped newscasts in Britain and Portugal. She was aged three when she disappeared but turned four on May 12.Police earlier this week identified a 33-year-old British man who lives in Praia da Luz as a suspect but said they did not have enough evidence to charge him.

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